The Best Restaurant & Brewery Wedding Venues

The Best Restaurant & Brewery Wedding Venues

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1000+ Wedding Venues

Restaurants, breweries
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Pinstripes Aventura 
Miami, FL
  • Up to 1000 guests
  • All-inclusive
  • Indoor & outdoor
  • Starts at $5,000

Whether you are looking to host an engagement party, shower, rehearsal dinner, or your full wedding experience - Pinstripes Aventura, located in Miami Florida, offers an upscale, versatile event space that is perfect for every celebration. Nestled in the Esplanade at Aventura, our modern and sophisticated private event spaces can comfortably accommodate from 20 to 1,500 guests. Be among the first to impress guests when we open our doors in Fall 2023 by hosting your next event in one of our customizable ballrooms, bowling lanes, bocce courts, or our patio with a fireplace and stunning views. Step into the future of event hosting and give your guests an experience that is as distinctive and exciting as it is memorable.

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Hubbard Grille 
Columbus, OH
  • Up to 100 guests
  • All-inclusive
  • Indoor
  • Starts at $2,000

Hubbard Grille offers a casual dining and social environment in what was once the Winders Motor Sales Company building. Since opening its doors, Hubbard Grille has been serving New American fare in an atmosphere inspired by the former automotive showroom it inhabits. The twenty foot Hubbard Grille sign accents the building's terracotta facade and the original Winders' exposed brick walls and flooring are present within. These classic features are combined with modern accents & cuisine to create a truly unique dining experience. Hubbard Grille is a Taste Hospitality Group brand. Taste is locally owned and operated in Columbus, Ohio. Other Taste brands include Mezzo, Wine on High, Creekside Conference & Event Center, and Taste Catering & Events.

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Town Bar &. Grill 
Newton, MA
  • Up to 150 guests
  • All-inclusive
  • Indoor & outdoor
  • Starts at $4,000

Sit back, relax, and enjoy. The all-new Town offers authentically welcoming hospitality and one of the best bars in Edgartown. Our unique food and drink coupled with our open-airy eclectic vibe will be an approachable environment for all and won’t break the bank! Featuring eighteen draft beer lines and a full bar of craft cocktails, you won’t find anything like Town on the island. Our chef has created a comforting grill-style menu with creative dishes and spins on classics including everything from pasta and seafood to steaks and bar bites. Live entertainment and DJs will keep the party going in the bar, and we’ll be sure to keep the great late-night food coming and the beers flowing. Town was conceived by an island dweller who lives and breathes Martha’s Vineyard. This will be a place where you will want to hang out with your friends and family. We’re the new neighbor who’s always been here, and we can’t wait to have you over to make memories and have some fun.

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Velvet Brooklyn 
Brooklyn, NY
  • Up to 100 guests
  • Select services
  • Indoor & outdoor

Velvet Brooklyn offers a private lounge and bar to host your special event. The "Velvet Room" alone or entire venue are available for rental. We offer a variety of packages and amenities to custom tailor your event to your taste.  Velvet Brooklyn's luxurious and inviting bar atmosphere is matched by its world-class service.  From the sensational cocktail menu to the decor, the Main Bar is the perfect spot to commence the night or spend the evening. Capacity 40  500sq ft. 20 guest seated / 20 guest standing Regale your guests in the "Velvet Room,"  our private lounge that features exposed brick, impressive accent lighting and rich red velvet accents. There is plenty of space for all to enjoy, with comfortable banquets and seating.   Capacity 60 ppl @ 1000 sq ft. or 100 for the entire venue @ 1500 sq ft Catering, Full Bar, Specialty Cocktails, AV equipment, Projector, 20" Disco Ball, Pro DJ Controller DDJ-SZ2, Coat Check, Cigar Menu, Private Restroom

About wedding venues

How much do wedding & reception venues cost?

The cost of wedding venues varies, with factors influencing cost including size, location, guest count, and, most importantly, whether things like catering and rentals are included. The more a reception venue near you includes, the higher the cost. When considering venues, try to compare prices apples-to-apples. If one venue includes catering and rentals in their pricing and the other doesn’t, you need to figure out how much additional cost those outside vendors would be to make a true comparison. Before booking, be sure you’re aware of additional costs outlined in your contract, like parking fees and weather-related considerations (adding a tent, etc.).

What questions should we ask wedding venues?

When talking with a potential venue, always ask about 1) their availability and 2) their capacity. Some popular venues book up peak season Saturdays nearly 2 years in advance—if your first choice date isn’t available, consider your flexibility on day of the week and year. While maximum capacity is non-negotiable, venues might have guidance on what guest count will be most comfortable. Also, you’ll want to understand what is and is not included in the venue’s fees. Some include catering, tables and chairs, and linens, while others offer just the raw space. These venues are often less expensive because you are only paying for the space itself, and you’ll have to bring in outside vendors