Miniature cows are perfect options for small homesteads like ours, and can still reach just under 1000 pounds! It can take a few years to start producing milk, but we can't wait to share once that happens!
Cash fund
Miniature Cow
Asking for 10
Purchased 0
Andy is really looking forward to these goats so they can eat away the poison ivy on the property. They'll have large areas to wander on the property in order to clear out the brush. Pigs are adorable and friendly, and can help till soil to get land ready for planting!
Cash fund
Goats and Pigs
Asking for 10
Purchased 1
After moving into our place, we realized that all of our big dreams include the need to move lots of dirt. We've started a tractor fund so we can more easily move materials around the property. Stop by next time your in the area and we'll take you on a ride!
Cash fund
Asking for 10
Purchased 0
Fruit trees can be an investment; it takes at least 3 years for most to start bearing fruit. We want to bring in a huge variety of apples, pears, persimmons, cherries and more. You're all invited for picking time to bring home a little harvest of your own.
Cash fund
Fruit Trees
Asking for 10
Purchased 1
We're planning an expansive garden that will take up a large part of the back yard. Our plan is to have a place to grow happy and healthy food, but also a place to enjoy our outdoor space and appreciate everything it gives us. The center will have a labyrinth so we can stay centered and present in the chaos and beauty around us.
Cash fund
Kitchen Garden
Asking for 50
Purchased 0
Group gift
We appreciate any gift you're able to give. Thank you for making our day special :)