Nicole & Jason
September 19, 2015
Welcome to our registry! Thank you so much for your support as we continue to build our life together.
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Plane Tickets Home
Group gift
Living in France is wonderful but the biggest downside is that so many people we love are back in the US! Your contribution will help get us home for holidays, birthdays, and other fun events for which Skype is wholly inadequate.
Cash fund
Plane Tickets Home
Contribute what you wish
Honeymoon up North
Group gift
Throwing tradition to the wind (much like we have throughout the rest of this process), we're taking our honeymoon before the wedding! We don't have all the details nailed down yet, but the plan is Montreal and Maine.
Cash fund
Honeymoon up North
Contribute what you wish
Guitar Lessons for Nicole
Group gift
Learning to play the guitar isn't easy. Nicole is doing well on her own with a little help from Jason and the Internet, but to get to the next level, she needs a real pro!
Cash fund
Guitar Lessons for Nicole
Contribute what you wish
French Lessons for Jason
Group gift
Learning French isn't easy. Jason is doing well on his own with a little help from Nicole and our French friends, but to get to the next level, he needs a real pro!
Cash fund
French Lessons for Jason
Contribute what you wish
Kitchen Stuff
Group gift
Due to our shared love of food and passion for entertaining, we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. All of our tools are in good working order for the moment, but it it's good to be ready if we need some replacements. Help keep our kitchen running smoothly!
Cash fund
Kitchen Stuff
Contribute what you wish
Group gift
These bad boys don't pack very easily and our current set is in rough shape.
Cash fund
Contribute what you wish
We don't have a car in Bordeaux but it is becoming more and more bike friendly by the day. Help us get some wheels of our own so we don't have to worry about the all-too-frequent tram/bus strikes.
Cash fund
Weekend Getaways
One thing we love about living in Bordeaux is easy access to so many great destinations. Malta, Munich and Marseille are just a quick flight away. Help us put some more stars on our map.
Cash fund
Weekend Getaways
Home Furnishings
We have already lived together for four years so we have all of the things to keep our household running, but we never stop improving. Rather than filling suitcases with sheets and pillows, we'll use the money to buy the things we need in Bordeaux when the time comes.
Cash fund
Home Furnishings
For all the days along the way
Start your wedding registry

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