Sarah n' Tom
July 05, 2015
Hi! Thanks for being part of our lives :) Our is wedding 7/5/14 and we are so excited to start our new lives together!
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Group gift
We both have houses that need minor repair and maintenance - yay home ownership! We also have dreams of replacing flooring and improving outdoor living spaces so we are able to enjoy our homes even more and share them with our friends :) Please contribute here if you wish to improve our homes :)
Cash fund
Contribute what you wish
Group gift
If you would like to help us pay for the wedding, please contribute here. We plan to provide a celebration that fits us and is a fun experience for our guests :)
Cash fund
Contribute what you wish
Group gift
We are both big dreamers! We are considering buying and moving into a tiny house one day, want to help us build up a nest egg for the possibility? Tom is starting to build things, we need power tools. Or donate to any of our other dreams that come to us - feel free to donate here :)
Cash fund
Contribute what you wish
Round Trip Airfare to Italy!
Group gift
This is no longer the honeymoon, but a trip we would like to take in the next 5 years. Tom and Sarah both have 1/4 Italian ancestry and want to visit there so we can get a taste and experience of the culture we both come from. If you want to help us get there, please donate here :)
Cash fund
Round Trip Airfare to Italy!
Contribute what you wish
Housing in Italy
Group gift
If you want to help us stay in nice places when we go to Italy, please donate here :)
Cash fund
Housing in Italy
Contribute what you wish
Romantic Dinners
Group gift
Romantic dinners happen in our kitchen as well as at restaurants. If you want to donate towards our meals, please do :)
Cash fund
Romantic Dinners
Contribute what you wish
For all the days along the way
Start your wedding registry

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