Welcome to our wedding registry! Thank you for your loving support and for sharing in our joy!
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We're heading around the world to the gorgeous island of Tahiti for close to two weeks! We'd love to explore it to the fullest through lots of excursions and activities!
Cash fund
Honeymoon Adventures/Excursions
Contribute what you wish
Group gift
We love our little apartment in Natick, but will certainly be looking to find a permanent residence in the near future. Thank you for helping us afford and furnish a house we can call home!
Cash fund
House Fund (Purchasing and Furnishing)
Contribute what you wish
Group gift
Yes, Jeff is excited about this one! We're trying to think ahead for all the tools we'll need to fix up/maintain a home and thank you for your support!
Cash fund
Tools for House Upkeep
$900 still needed
Group gift
We're so excited to go to Tahiti and hope to have some romantic meals out on the (town/island) and if some bubbly ends up on the table, it would be rude to the locals not to drink it, right?
Cash fund
Honeymoon Night/Day Out
Contribute what you wish
Rumor has it there is amazing sea life and scenery in general around Tahiti and we're hoping to remember every bit of it!
Cash fund
Underwater Camera
Asking for 1
Purchased 0
Group gift
We know there will be lots of unexpected expenses that pop up and some souvenirs that might need to come home with us. Thank you!