Joshua & Elisa
May 25, 2025 (248 days left)
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Our Honeymoon Fund To Austria!
Our featured fund
We live in a small, cozy apartment in Boston, MA; so we do not have much space to fit anymore items (besides the few listed in the regular registry). But we do love to travel together, so we would welcome any gifts towards our honeymoon fund! If easier, feel free to venmo us at @joshuanguyen03
Cash fund
Our Honeymoon Fund To Austria!
Contribute what you wish
Future House Fund
Our featured fund
We are living in our small Boston apartment for a few more years, but once Elisa graduates her PhD program, we are more than likely going to have to move because of the volatility of the job market! We hope if this happens, we will be able to put a deposit down for a house!
Cash fund
Future House Fund
Contribute what you wish
V8 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum
Joshua: All my life, I have wanted power...the power to suck grime and dirt from our floors with such vigor and strength. I love to clean, and I have always wanted a dyson vacuum ever since I first laid eyes on the sleek purple from across the room.
V8 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum
For all the days along the way
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