Good sleep...what a wonderful gift. For the past two decades, having survived a series of hand-me down/found on the street corner/don't look at it with a black light/used mattresses, our sore backs decided it was time to adult up and get a decent mattress. The pets were also getting sick of having to shove us over to the very edges so they would have more room to stretch out every night. We did much research and decided upon a Purple Mattress. Apparently, Goldilocks approves. (Or so their YouTube promotional video told us.) They will ship it right to Alaska for us! (For $300 extra dollars. Free shipping to the lower 48 though! Ugh..shipping in Alaska.) We wanted to upgrade to a King so that we don't have to touch each other once we are married, since we heard that's what happens, and also to make more room for the pets. They can stretch out, we can stretch out, our backs don't hurt, everyone is happy.