Brian and I have lived together for the past 4 years and have been collecting household items along the way. We are going to New Zealand for our honeymoon and stumbled across a website that allow our wedding guests to contribute. Thank you for helping make this a trip of a lifetime!
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Luckily, the hotel chain that Bobbie-Jo works for has a properties over in New Zealand. Your gift in this category should go a long way. Thank you!!
Cash fund
Hotel / Resort
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We are especially excited about trying out the tree house restaurant in New Zealand
Cash fund
Romantic Dinners
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Glow worm cave adventures, flyfishing, hiking, tandem bungee jumping, etc.
Cash fund
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We plan on spending the night at a hotel every third night. For the in between time, we will be driving the coast of the south island via a mini camper.
Cash fund
Back Packing
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Group gift
We will be spending two nights in Fiji as a detour on our way to NZ!