Kathleen & Alex
July 09, 2022
39 gifts
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39 gifts
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Esme Serving Set
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/esme-serving-set?category=registry&color=070&size=Set%20Of%202&type=STANDARD&quantity=1&cm_mmc=rakuten-_-affiliates-_-Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29-_-1&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=rakuten&utm_campaign=Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_term=429822&utm_content=1&utm_kxconfid=v3sdgfere&ranMID=39789&ranEAID=je6NUbpObpQ&ranSiteID=je6NUbpObpQ-37IkIKP8xPl007BFDDgJbg
Esme Serving Set

Asking for 1

Purchased 0

Caraway Complete Bakeware Set - Cream
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.carawayhome.com/products/11pc-bakeware-set/?color=cream&irclickid=WdEz3cVod0nL3lDSUQ2XN05SUkG3s%3AVVMzhdR00&irgwc=1&utm_campaign=27795_Sovrn%20Commerce%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_source=impact_radius&utm_medium=affiliate
Caraway Complete Bakeware Set - Cream
Ceramic Dinner Plate - White
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.thelittlemarket.com/products/ceramic-dinner-plate-white?irclickid=S1IVB9ynMxyIWov1y2z3fUBDUkG3s72hMzhdR00&irgwc=1&utm_source=ImpactRadius&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_term=Sovrn%20Commerce%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_campaign=The%20Little%20Market%20banner
Ceramic Dinner Plate - White
Super-Plush Complete 9-Piece Towel Set
Super-Plush Complete 9-Piece Towel Set
Signature Hemmed 4-Piece Organic Cotton Sheet Set
Boll & Branch
Signature Hemmed 4-Piece Organic Cotton Sheet Set
Was $299Sale $224.25
Signature Hemmed Organic 3-Piece Duvet Set
Boll & Branch
Signature Hemmed Organic 3-Piece Duvet Set
Was $379Sale $284.25
Organic Waffle Bed Blanket
Boll & Branch
Organic Waffle Bed Blanket
Was $259Sale $194.25
Ceramic Side Plate - White
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.thelittlemarket.com/products/ceramic-side-plate-white?irclickid=S1IVB9ynMxyIWov1y2z3fUBDUkG3oW1JMzhdR00&irgwc=1&utm_source=ImpactRadius&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_term=Sovrn%20Commerce%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_campaign=The%20Little%20Market%20banner
Ceramic Side Plate - White
Ceramic Mug - White
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.thelittlemarket.com/products/ceramic-mug-white?irclickid=S1IVB9ynMxyIWov1y2z3fUBDUkG3oW3dMzhdR00&irgwc=1&utm_source=ImpactRadius&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_term=Sovrn%20Commerce%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_campaign=The%20Little%20Market%20banner
Ceramic Mug - White
Ceramic Soup Bowl - White
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.thelittlemarket.com/products/soup-ceramic-bowl-white?irclickid=S1IVB9ynMxyIWov1y2z3fUBDUkG3oWUpMzhdR00&irgwc=1&utm_source=ImpactRadius&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_term=Sovrn%20Commerce%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_campaign=The%20Little%20Market%20banner
Ceramic Soup Bowl - White
Jumbo Ceramic Salad Bowl - White
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.thelittlemarket.com/products/jumbo-ceramic-salad-bowl-white?irclickid=S1IVB9ynMxyIWov1y2z3fUBDUkG3oWR9MzhdR00&irgwc=1&utm_source=ImpactRadius&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_term=Sovrn%20Commerce%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_campaign=The%20Little%20Market%20banner
Jumbo Ceramic Salad Bowl - White
Luxe Superior - Decanter & 6 Wine Glasses
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://royal-glass.com/product/luxe-superior/?currency=USD
Luxe Superior - Decanter & 6 Wine Glasses
Spanish Glassware - Beer Glass Small
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://shoppe.amberinteriordesign.com/collections/best-sellers/products/spanish-glassware?variant=39717282873528
Spanish Glassware - Beer Glass Small
Spanish Glassware - Beer Glass Large
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://shoppe.amberinteriordesign.com/collections/best-sellers/products/spanish-glassware?variant=39717282906296
Spanish Glassware - Beer Glass Large
Spanish Glassware - Wine Glass
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://shoppe.amberinteriordesign.com/collections/best-sellers/products/spanish-glassware?variant=1290815169
Spanish Glassware - Wine Glass
33oz Stoneware Beverage Pitcher - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you! https://www.target.com/p/33oz-stoneware-beverage-pitcher-threshold-8482-designed-with-studio-mcgee/-/A-81815204#lnk=sametab
33oz Stoneware Beverage Pitcher - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee
77.8oz Stoneware Large Glazed Pitcher Cream - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.target.com/p/77-8oz-stoneware-large-glazed-pitcher-cream-threshold-8482-designed-with-studio-mcgee/-/A-80221792#lnk=sametab
77.8oz Stoneware Large Glazed Pitcher Cream - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee
Marble Cake Stand
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.potterybarn.com/products/marble-cake-stand/?catalogId=84&sku=5438810&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Tabletop%20%26%20Bar%20%3E%20Cake%20%26%20Tiered%20Stands&region_id=668460&cm_ite=5438810&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlMCOBhCZARIsANLid6aFwZWQupKihc4sDL5wUjP2EfWf0P2D9gljMmzhYin_baasmc5Pl0saApVOEALw_wcB
Marble Cake Stand
Golden Cake Servers
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.burkedecor.com/products/golden-cake-servers?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=39577312526372&variant=39577312526372&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN1CSXgn6tmo9magl0DipV_QuCIU77lpBQWJnAaQxJQSU_akmSq0OzRoC9tcQAvD_BwE
Golden Cake Servers
Gold Serving Ladle
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/gold-serving-ladle?category=registry&color=000&size=One%20Size&type=STANDARD&quantity=1&cm_mmc=rakuten-_-affiliates-_-Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29-_-1&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=rakuten&utm_campaign=Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_term=429822&utm_content=1&utm_kxconfid=v3sdgfere&ranMID=39789&ranEAID=je6NUbpObpQ&ranSiteID=je6NUbpObpQ-aHCCkfD4943BUTS_yaG4Cg
Gold Serving Ladle
Gold Spoon Rest
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/gold-spoon-rest?category=registry&color=000&size=One%20Size&type=STANDARD&quantity=1&cm_mmc=rakuten-_-affiliates-_-Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29-_-1&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=rakuten&utm_campaign=Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_term=429822&utm_content=1&utm_kxconfid=v3sdgfere&ranMID=39789&ranEAID=je6NUbpObpQ&ranSiteID=je6NUbpObpQ-0m28YawBR7IRC_9SKudtRg
Gold Spoon Rest
Amber Lewis for Anthropologie Sawyer Serving Set
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/amber-lewis-for-anthropologie-sawyer-serving-set?category=registry&color=026&size=Set%20Of%202&type=STANDARD&quantity=1&cm_mmc=rakuten-_-affiliates-_-Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29-_-1&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=rakuten&utm_campaign=Sovrn%20%28formerly%20Viglink%29&utm_term=429822&utm_content=1&utm_kxconfid=v3sdgfere&ranMID=39789&ranEAID=je6NUbpObpQ&ranSiteID=je6NUbpObpQ-NojaoQ2ZVFMKdXLw6watwA
Amber Lewis for Anthropologie Sawyer Serving Set
2pc Wood Salt and Pepper Shaker Set - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.target.com/p/2pc-wood-salt-and-pepper-shaker-set-threshold-8482-designed-with-studio-mcgee/-/A-80221782?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df_free_online&CPNG=Dining&adgroup=200-4
2pc Wood Salt and Pepper Shaker Set - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee
Oil Bottle
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://shoppe.amberinteriordesign.com/collections/best-sellers/products/oil-bottle
Oil Bottle
McGee & Co - Napkin Rings, Set of 4
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/wooden-napkin-rings-set-of-4
McGee & Co - Napkin Rings, Set of 4
McGee & Co - Speckled Vase, Tall
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/speckled-tobago-vase
McGee & Co - Speckled Vase, Tall
McGee & Co - Speckled Vase, Short
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/speckled-tobago-vase
McGee & Co - Speckled Vase, Short
McGee & Co - Malaga Vase
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/malaga-vase
McGee & Co - Malaga Vase
Ceramic Taper Holders
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.burkedecor.com/collections/vases/products/ceramic-taper-holders-holder-design-by-the-floral-society
Ceramic Taper Holders
McGee & Co - Bookends
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/shaped-marble-bookends-set-of-2
McGee & Co - Bookends
McGee & Co - Rounded Edge Bath Caddy
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/rounded-edge-bath-caddy
McGee & Co - Rounded Edge Bath Caddy
McGee & Co - Distressed Wood Pedestal
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/distressed-wood-pedestal
McGee & Co - Distressed Wood Pedestal
Montara Pillow
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://shoppe.amberinteriordesign.com/products/montara-pillow?pr_prod_strat=copurchase&pr_rec_pid=6902713123000&pr_ref_pid=6902713254072&pr_seq=uniform
Montara Pillow
Larkspur Pillow
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://shoppe.amberinteriordesign.com/collections/best-sellers/products/larkspur-pillow
Larkspur Pillow
Frost Marble Accessories, Tray
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.potterybarn.com/products/frost-marble-bath-accessories/?catalogId=84&sku=6959935&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Bath%20%3E%20Countertop%20Accessories&region_id=668460&cm_ite=6959935&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlMCOBhCZARIsANLid6bUpSTXN725gL80ZJYpE3_RPYgPyFVTebVR2Sopkm8iedSo-ujgxKMaAkWwEALw_wcB
Frost Marble Accessories, Tray
McGee & Co - Picture Frame 4x6
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/shagreen-picture-frame
McGee & Co - Picture Frame 4x6
McGee & Co - Picture Frame 5x7
Here is a link to the website -- if you do buy the gift make sure to come back to Zola and mark the gift as purchased. Thank you!https://www.mcgeeandco.com/products/shagreen-picture-frame
McGee & Co - Picture Frame 5x7
One: Voice Controlled Smart Speaker (GEN 2)
One: Voice Controlled Smart Speaker (GEN 2)
Marble Butter Dish
Marble Butter Dish
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